just remember not to ascribe every ache and pain to aging! sometimes it’s a physical or energetic imbalance that could be eased by a visit to a manual physical therapist, massage therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, or maybe even a naturapath or osteopathic doctor!

Writing Yoga with Bruce Black

It’s almost time to drive to my yoga class, but I’m debating if I should go or skip the energetic 90-minute session and stay home to practice a few easy, restorative poses on my own.

It isn’t that I’ve grown tired of class or upset with my teacher or other students. On the contrary, I look forward to the weekly class. It’s one of the few times during the week when I feel unencumbered by the stresses of work and life.

But for the past few weeks I’ve nursed a sore right quad muscle and an aching left knee. They are, I suppose, the aches and pains of aging, and, luckily, they haven’t yet kept me off my practice mat. Yet I hesitate to go to class, unsure if I’ll be able to keep up with the pace of the other students.

At the last minute, though, I decide to take my…

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